A man from Redbridge has been jailed for raping a woman.

Goher Ayub, 43, was reported to police by the woman in 2020. 

She alleged to police that he raped her in the early 2010s.

Ayub was interviewed in December 2020 where he denied the allegation. 

Detectives carried out an investigation and police said the strength of its evidence led to him being charged in April 2023.

On February 22, Ayub appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court and was found guilty of one count of rape. 

He was later sentenced to six years' imprisonment at Inner London Crown Court on April 19. 

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Det Con Matt Tenfield-Brown said: "This case is an example that no matter how many years have passed, we can achieve justice for terrible crimes.

"We worked tirelessly with colleagues from another force, and the Crown Prosecution Service, to build a case against Ayub.

"As a result he will now spend years behind bars. He was also issued a restraining order and must sign the Sex Offenders Register for life on his release.

"We're very grateful to the victim for her courage in reporting Ayub."